Monday, July 14, 2008

going green

I am sure you have heard the commercials that say “we are going green!” or “We are working together to produce a new fuel!” or how about “The ice caps are melting!” this is all a bunch of CRAP to me! I mean ok so we shouldn’t just throw our trash anywhere we want. (guilty! But it is biodegradable…over time!) but COME ON you liberal Retards! So we say the earth is getting to much pollution and our O-zone layer is going? Wow you don’t think God knows we are going to create things that pollute? Do you not think that HE knows and planned for anything that we can throw at it? And you know maybe just maybe he is using our own pollution to end the world. (oh I will explain!) as most of you know it (the bible that is) says the world will be burnt up! so if our world is getting hotter…then maybe this is what he is using to burn it (the earth that is) up! I mean and all these freakin businesses that are all like…”we’re GOING green!” they are just going “green” cuz that is what the market is going. So they are looking for the cash not the in betterment of the world. And the truth is it prolly takes more energy and pollutes more than making the normal product. I am sorry if you believe the opposite than me. (I am sorry the liberals got to you!) it just makes me sick to hear all of this crap about save the environment cuz we are messing it up! True we don’t always put trash in the right places(the dump) which even that place is part of the earth. Don’t get me wrong I am all for making something out of nothing. (like a dog out of a milk jug! That’s sweet!) but fearing that we are going to die cuz we are driving our cars? Now that is just not good…you know that stress is one of the worst things you can have. It increases your metabolic rate therefore burning more fat and making you more hungry. So you eat so much more. Gaining wait and having heart problems from being over weight. So I guess I am done. Thank you for you time. (not agreeing with me) Have a great day! (you freaking liberal! Hope you don’t go to hell!)

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